Faculty of Sport Sciences Special Talent Exam Application for Foreign Applicants
Applications of foreign national candidates are accepted for the Special Talent Exam to be held at the Faculty of Sports Sciences.
Application Requirements and Required Documents:
- Application Form (Click for form)
- Identity Document
- Diploma or Equivalency Certificate (Graduation certificate or a document accepted as its equivalent for foreign national candidates. The field, branch, or department must be stated on the document),
- A passport size photograph (must have been taken within the last six months),
- Personal health status declaration form stating that there is no obstacle in terms of health for the candidate to apply for the special talent exam (Click here to download the form)
- Exam Score Certificate for Foreign National Candidates
Application Procedures:
You can submit your applications by sending an e-mail to sporbilimlerifakultesi@nevsehir.edu.tr.
Application Deadline: (20.08.2023)
For the successful completion of your applications, it is kindly requested to send the relevant documents to the relevant address before the deadline.
For further information and questions, please contact us on 0 384 228 10 00/35105.
We wish you success,
Faculty of Sport Sciences
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